In the Book of Changes, it is said that “one yin and one yang is the way.” As an official, one must look at Zeng Guofan, and as a merchant, one must read Hu Xueyan. In the long river of history, there are always some people who shine like stars, and their stories are remembered by time and become legends among the later generations. The “Ting Jing” and “Bing Jian” are two very important works by Zeng Guofan, which have great reference value. The “Ting Jing” represents yang and the “Bing Jian” represents yin. To stand up and deal with the world, one must have both the cultivation of Pu Sa’s low brow and the means of Jin Gang’s angry eyes. Only by coordinating yin and yang and taking a dual approach can we overcome difficulties and break through barriers.
This’ Shang Sheng ‘, who was full of sincerity but did not end well, had a tumultuous youth life. At the age of 12, his father passed away due to illness, and at the age of 13, going out to make a living changed his life. Under the interweaving of diligence and opportunity, I worked diligently as a clerk in Hangzhou and as an apprentice at Xinhe Bank, whether in the grain industry or Jinhua ham business. The shopkeeper praised him endlessly and regarded him as a parent. The trust of the boss before his death made him the heir of Fukang Bank, and thereafter, his life began to rise. The Book of Changes talks about the beginning and end, not the end and end, but the wisdom of decisive action. Hu Xueyan, whose real name is Hu Guangyong, was named Hu Xueyan by the shopkeeper because his life ending was not very good.
On the commercial stage, temptations and traps coexist, and many people are willing to violate integrity and engage in fraud for the sake of immediate benefits. Hu Xueyan deeply understands that true business success is not based on momentary deception and opportunism, but on long-term reputation and word-of-mouth. Every business he manages strives to be genuine and fair, with no discrimination between the elderly and the young. Even in unsupervised situations, he adheres to the highest moral standards because he believes that although his actions may not be seen by others, there is always a pair of eyes silently watching between heaven and earth. In that turbulent era, he was caught in the vortex of power and money, but he was able to maintain a clear mind, never forget his original intention, and stick to the right path. I deeply understand that although businessmen prioritize profit, they should also prioritize morality. Every business decision is not only driven by economic considerations, but also by a sense of social responsibility. He is always willing to help others, generous and helpful, and has made contributions to the country and the people with his wealth, winning widespread respect and love.
No one sees the union, but heaven knows the intention. Hu Xueyan’s life was a fusion of commerce and humanity. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to bureaucratic oppression and financial deficits, he ultimately died in depression in the eleventh year of the Guangxu reign. The ending did not shock the world, but it confirmed that a family that accumulates good deeds will have a lasting celebration.
Wen/Xingchen Mountain People